Nhà phân phối As scholer tại Việt Nam
The inverter stud welding unit PRO-S 600 is very light and only needs a 230 V power connection. Equipped with our proven microprocessor control it convinces through excellent welding quality. Modern inverter technology ensures a very precise control and a high reproducibility of the welding process as well as a very high arc stability - also in cases of short welding times and low welding currents.
The unit offers a high welding power (max. welding diameter 6 mm). Through the innovative cooling concept a high duty-cycle and thus fast welding sequences are assured. Because of the considerably lower weight compared to conventional stud welding units it is ideally suited for mobile use. The robust construction allows the use also in harsh environments.
The PRO-S 600 is designed for drawn arc and short cycle stud welding. Welding current and time can be adjusted continuously. The unit is easily operated by a very robust rotary knob with a built-in push button, all functions and parameters are shown on a big display.
Pre-installed welding programmes facilitate the choice of the right adjustment values for different welding tasks. Additionally, user specific welding programmes can be stored. The modular design of the unit allows the customer specific choice of the equipment features. All optional equipment features can be retrofitted.
The integrated welding parameter monitoring enables the quality control of the finished welds. By default, the parameter sets of the last ten welds are stored. The optional available welding parameter memory allows the storage of 24500 welds and has an USB-interface for data transmission to a PC.
Optionally, the unit can be equipped with a shielding gas module for welding with shielding gas for weld pool backing and with an automatic module to control the automatic stud feeder VBZ and an automatic welding gun. For the operation of up to four stud welding guns with different adjustment values for welding current and welding time on one unit the external adapter box PRO-SPLIT is available as accessory. The adapter box PRO-SPLIT automatically detects which gun is used.
Máy hàn đinh tán PRO-S 600, PRO-I 1300, PRO-I 2200, PRO-I 2800 as scholer

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