Nhà phân phối As scholer tại Việt Nam
The automatic stud welding head KKA-200F is designed for capacitor discharge (contact method) stud welding. It can be used on CNC stud welding machines, roboters, handling systems, stationary machining centres and conventional stud welding units. The KKA-200F is suitable for automatic use (automatic stud feeding by stud feeder VBZ) and semi-automatic use (manual stud feeding).
The automatic stud welding head KHA-200F is designed for capacitor discharge (gap and contact method), short cycle and drawn arc stud welding. It can be used on CNC stud welding machines, roboters, handling systems, stationary machining centres and conventional stud welding units. The KHA-200F is suitable for automatic use (automatic stud feeding by stud feeder VBZ) and semi-automatic use (manual stud feeding).
Optionally, the KHA-200F is available with integrated travel measuring system. Using this the lift adjustment couldn`t be easier. Moreover, it enables a quality monitoring by measuring and recording of stud travel (lift, piston runtime, immersion depth) for each weld.
Đầu hàn tự động KKA-200F, KHA-200F as scholer - as scholer vietnam

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