Đồng hồ đo áp suất Tema|Đồng hồ đo áp suất Temavasconi
Cảm biến nhiệt độ Tema|Can nhiệt type K Tema|Can nhiệt Type J Tema
Thiết bị đo lưu lượng Tema|Lưu lượng kế Tema
1 | MBS860 series | MBS861 | Mounting: direct, lower connection type 861 | The pressure gauges series MBS860, with or without filling fluid, may be installed on every chemical, petrochemical plants, to prevent accidents according to normative EN837-1/ S3 and ANSI B40.1.1 Diameters: 100-150 mm http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/01/02serie%20mbs800.pdf |
MBS864 | Mounting: direct, back connection type 864 | |||
MBS867 | Mounting: panel front flange rear connection type 867 | |||
2 | MB800 series | Type 801 | Direct mounting, radial connection | The pressure gauges series MB800, with or without filling fluid, may be installed on every chemical, petrochemical plants, onshore and offshore applications and machinery, food and pharmaceutical industry. Construction according to EN 837-1 Diameters: 63-80-100-125-150-200 mm http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/01/03serie%20mb800.pdf |
Type 802 | Direct mounting, rear central connection | |||
Type 804 | Direct mounting, rear eccentric connection | |||
Type 805 | Wall mounting with rear flange, radial connection | |||
Type 807 | Panel mounting, 3 hole front flange, rear eccentric connection | |||
3 | MBP800 series | Type MBP801 | Direct mounting, radial connection | The pressure gauges series MBP800, with or without filling fluid, may be installed on every chemical, petrochemical plants with particularly aggressive environment, to prevent accidents according to normative EN837-1/9.7.2 and ANSI B40.1.1 Diameters: 4 ½” http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/01/04serie%20mbp800.pdf |
4 | MM900 series | Type 901/A | Range: 0/25÷60mbar | In the pressure gauges series MM900, the sensing element is a diaphragm with concentric corrugations actuating the amplifying mechanism through a pivot. Designed for the measurement of pressure, vacuum of viscous fluids, crystallizing or polluted process fluids. These instruments are more reliable ane easy to protect against overpressure than the Bourdon tube type according to EN837-3 Diameters: 100-150 mm http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/01/05serie%20mm900.pdf |
Type 901/B | Range: 0/100÷400mbar | |||
Type 901 | Range: 0/0.6÷25bar | |||
5 | MS1000 series | Type 1001 | Direct mounting, radial connection | Realized for use in low pressure with gas or non crystallizing liquids according to EN837-3 Diameters: 100-150 200mm http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/01/06serie%20ms1000.pdf |
Type 1004 | Direct mounting, rear eccentric connection | |||
Type 1007 | Panel mounting, 3 hole front flange, rear eccentric connection | |||
6 | MC1100 series | Type 1101 | Direct mounting, radial connection | Realized for use in low pressure with gas or non crystallizing liquids according to EN837-3 http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/01/07serie%20mc1100.pdf |
Type 1102 | Direct mounting, central rear connection | |||
Type 1105 | Panel, with bracket and central rear connection type 1105 | |||
7 | MDM1200 series | Type 1205 | Surface mounting with back bracket | The differential pressure gauges series MDM1200, with or without filling fluid, are simple and suitable to be installed in presence of low static pressure on every chemical, petrochemical plants, onshore and offshore applications and machinery, food and pharmaceutical industry Diameters: 150 mm (100mm as option) http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/01/08serie%20mdm1200.pdf |
Type 1207 | Panel mounting, 3 hole front flange | |||
8 | MDS1200 series | Type 1205 | Surface mounting with back bracket | The differential pressure gauges series MDS1200, with or without filling fluid, are simple and suitable to be installed in presence of low static pressure on every chemical petrochemical plants, onshore and offshore applications and machinery, food and pharmaceutical industry Diameters: 150 mm (100mm as option) http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/01/09serie%20mds1200.pdf |
Type 1207 | Panel mounting, 3 hole front flange | |||
9 | MDB1200 series | Type 1201 | Direct mounting, radial connections | The differential pressure gauges series MDB1200, with or without filling fluid, are simple and suitable to be installed in presence of low static pressure on every chemical, petrochemical plants, onshore and offshore applications and machinery, food and pharmaceutical industry Diameters: 100 m http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/01/10serie%20mdb1200.pdf |
Type 1205 | Wall mounting with rear flange, radial connections | |||
Type 1207 | Panel mounting, 3 hole front flange ,radial connections |
10 | MDC1200 series | Type 1205 | Surface mounting , rear flange lower connection | The differential pressure gauges series MDC1200, are simple and suitable to be installed to measure air or clean gases in presence of low static pressure on every chemical, petrochemical plants, onshore and offshore applications and machinery, food and pharmaceutical industry Diameters: 150 mm http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/01/serie%20mdc1200.pdf |
Type 1207 | Panel mounting, front flange eccentric rear connection | |||
11 | MDP200 series | Type 201 | in line direct mounting | The differential pressure gauges series MDP200, with or without electric contact, are simple and suitable to be installed in all the applications where is necessary an indication or alarm of differential pressure at low cost. Diameters: 50-63-80-100-115-150 mm (2",2.5",3.5",4",4.5",6" http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/01/12serie%20mdp200.pdf |
Type 207 | Panel mounting, 3 hole front flange | |||
12 | TEST GAUGES Cl. 0,25% | Type 801CA | Direct mounting, radial connection | Designed to be used in laboratory fer tests or calibrations and on all the plants where reliability and accuracy are important . Diameters: 150 mm http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/01/13serie%20mb800CA150.pdf |
Type 808CA | Panel mounting, 3 hole front flange, rear central connection |
Type 810CA | Panel mounting, “U” type rear bracket, rear eccentric connection | |||
Type 807CA | Panel mounting, 3 hole front flange, rear eccentric connection | |||
13 | TEST GAUGES Cl. 0,1 | Type 801CA | Direct mounting, radial connection | Designed to be used in laboratory fer tests or calibrations and on all the plants where reliability and accuracy are important . Diameters: 250 mm http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/01/14serie%20mb800CA250.pdf |
Type 807CA | Panel mounting, 3 hole front flange, rear eccentric connection | |||
14 | MB100 series | Type 101 | Direct mounting, radial connection | The pressure gauges series MB100, with or without filling fluid, are suitable for all the industrial application on non corrosive fluids for the copper alloy . Diameters: 50-63-80-100 mm http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/01/15serie%20mb100.pdf |
Type 102 | Direct mounting, rear central connection | |||
Type 104 | Direct mounting, rear eccentric connection | |||
Type 105 | Wall mounting with rear flange, radial connection | |||
Type 107 | Panel mounting, 3 hole front flange, rear eccentric connection | |||
Type 108 | Panel mounting, 3 hole front flange, rear central connection | |||
Type 110 | Panel mounting, “U” type rear bracket, rear eccentric connection | |||
15 | MB400 series | Type 401 | 96x96 e 144x144 | The pressure gauges series MB400 in rectangular or squared enclosure have an accurate construction and standardized dimensions for mounting in parallel with electric instrumentation in centralized control rooms Diameters: 144x144 - 144x72 – 96x96mm DIN43700 (Option 72x72) http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/01/16serie%20mb400.pdf |
Type 403 | 144x72 (single element) | |||
Type 403/2 | 144x72 double element) | |||
Type 402 | 96x96 e (for filling) | |||
16 | MV600 series | The pressure gauges series MV600 are manufactured in 3 versions - type MV601, differential, armoured, with high resistance tempered glass tubes - type MV602, differential, with calibrated glass tubes - type MV603, glass tube pressure gauges for accurate measurements Mounting : vertical http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/01/17serie%20mv600.pdf |
No. | Type | Description | Note | |
1 | GTMP series | ORIFICE FLANGE UNIONS FOR FLOW MEASUREMENT | Types: slip-on flanges (SO), - fig. 1 welding neck flanges, (WN), - fig.2 ring type joint welding neck flanges (WN RJ), - fig. 3 piezometer ring etc. Materials: carbon steel, stainless steel, alloy steel, moplen etc. Dimensions: Series ANSI 300,600, 900, 1500; from PN 6 forward |
The calibrated orifice flange is the most simple and economic methode for a flow measurement of liquids or gases It can be supplied with SMART electronic differential pressure transmitter, out-put 4-20mA, of three-way manifolds and of the temperature sensor type PT100 for compensated gas flow measurement. http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/02/01GTMP.pdf |
2 | PTO series | PADDLE TYPE ORIFICE FLANGES PLATES | Types: - concentric with sharp edge - fig. 1 - 45° bevel - fig. 1 - eccentric type - fig. 2 - segmental type - fig. 3 - quarter-circle - fig. 4 - ring joint (see table 1) - fig. 5 - conical entrance - etc Orifice plate materials: standard AISI 316 stainless steel; monel; hastelloy; moplen etc. Ring materials: ARMCO steel for carbon steel flanges; AISI 316 stainless steel for stainless steel union flanges. Other materials when required. |
http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/02/02PTO.pdf |
3 | DTF series | PRECISION FLOWMETER ACCURACY 0.5% | It can be supplied with SMART electronic transmitter, output 4-20mA, and three-way manifolds. Process connection flanged or thread. Standard material st. st. AISI316 | Link tham khảo: http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/02/03DTF.pdf |
4 | PT series | PITOT TUBES | The magnitude factor of Pitot Venturi depend on the position of calibrating ring. When required and extra price, flow calculation can be made for determining the «dp». In this case specify: - fluid: type and medium condition - maximum and average flow - working and base temperature - working, barometric and base pressure - specific gravity - absolute viscosity in centipois at working conditions - inside and outside size of pipe diameter - range and type of flow meter (dry type. mercury type etc.) |
Link tham khảo: http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/02/04PT.pdf |
5 | CVT series | VENTURI TUBE | Types: - non truncated, long type - fig. 1 - truncated, short type - Conical divergent outlet truncated at 65% - fig. 2 - standard - fig. 5 - welding-in insert type - fig. 3 - one piece type - fig. 4 Materials: to specify time by time. Dimensions: from 2" forward |
Link tham khảo: http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/02/05CVT.pdf |
6 | LRF series | LONG-RADIUS FLOW NOZZLES | Types: - flanged type: manufactured in all dimensions - welding-in type with holding-ring: for size 4” forward - fig. 4 - welding-in type without holding-ring: for size from 1 ½” to 3” - fig. 3 - high "beta" type: with β from 0,25 to 0,80 - fig. 1 - low “beta” type: with β from 0,20 to 0,50 - fig. 2 Materials: - flow nozzle: from forged piece - holding ring: in the same material of <<flow section» - pins: from bar-stock AISI 316 Dimensions: flow nozzle: all dimensions flow section: maximum length: 100". |
Link tham khảo: http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/02/06LRF.pdf |
Types: - instrument seal pots - condensing chambers - instrument air feed headers Material: Carbon steel, stainless steel, alloy steel Dimensions: Ø 1 ½”, 3”, 4” e 6” sch. 40, 80, 160, XXS |
Link tham khảo: http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/02/07ICC.pdf |
Gas-Filled and Bimetal Thermometers | ||||
No. | Type | Description | Note | |
1 | TB900 series | Type 914 | Installed on every chemical, petrochemical plants, onshore and offshore applications, machinery, food and pharmaceutical industry Diameters: 80-100-130-150 mm (3-4-5-6”) http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/03A/02serie%20tb900.pdf |
Type 910 | ||||
Type 911 | ||||
2 | TM800 series | Type 801 | Direct, radial lower stem | Installed on every chemical, petrochemical plants, onshore and offshore applications and machinery, food and pharmaceutical industry Diameters: 63-80-100-125-150-200 mm http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/03A/03serie%20tm800.pdf |
Type 802 | Direct, radial stem at 45° | |||
Type 803 | Direct, rear stem | |||
Type 804 | Direct, radial stem at 90° | |||
Type 809 | Direct, lower adjustable stem | |||
Type 805 | Wall, rear flange remote mounting | |||
Type 806 | Bracket for wall mounting , remote | |||
Type 807 | Panel, front flange rear central stem | |||
Type 808 | Wall, rear flange rear central stem | |||
Type 810 | Panel, “U” clamp, rear eccentric stem | |||
3 | TM700 series | Type 701/S | Be suitable to be installed on engine, machines, or plants in presence of strong vibrations Diameters: 100 mm http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/03A/04serie%20tm700.pdf |
Type 701/M | ||||
4 | TM400 series | Type 401 | Dimensions 144x144 | Be specific for panel mounting with standard case dimensions suitable for mounting in parallel with electric indicators Diameters: 144x144 ; 144x72 ; 96x96 mm http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/03A/05serie%20tm400.pdf |
Type 401 | Dimensions 96x96 | |||
Type 402 | Dimensions 96x96 | |||
Type 403 | Dimensions 144x72 | |||
5 | TV1000 series | Type 1002/ V | 250x55 | Be particularly indicated for those industrial applications (petrochemical, air conditioning, food industry, chemical, etc. ) where there are difficulties of location Dimensions : : type 1001/V 180x55 mm type 1002/V 250x55 mm http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/03A/06serie%20tv1000.pdf |
Type 1001/ V | 180x55 | |||
6 | TV1006 series | Type 1006/A | Be manufactured with ranges and relatives divisions of graduation according to the nominal dimensions Dimensions : 110x30 ; 150x30 ; 200x30 mm http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/03A/07serie%20tv1006.pdf |
Type 1006/B | ||||
Type 1006/C | ||||
Type 1006/D | ||||
Type 1006/E | ||||
Type 1006/F | ||||
Type 1006/G | ||||
7 | TV1009 series | TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Body : glass Thermometric capillary : glass with prismatic section Graduation : internal on white glass Ranges : see table Stem lenght : to be defined |
Be particularly indicated for use in laboratory or where is required high reading accuracy . http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/03A/08serie%20tv1009.pdf |
8 | Type TS8-1 | BASE THERMO-SENSOR INSERT for RTD or Thermocouple | APPLICATIONS • With threaded, weldable or flange-mounted thermowells • Mounting on pipes and open or closed vessels • For a wide range of media: vapours, gases, liquids, non-abrasive substances http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/03/11Thermo%20Sensor%20TS8_1.pdf |
9 | Type TS8-2 | CERAMIC THERMO-SENSOR INSERT con Thermocouple E/J/K/N | APPLICATIONS • Replacement insets for mounting in the steel or ceramic thermowells • Industrial ovens (heat treatment, incineration) • Chimneys (combustion gases) • Fusion baths for metal and glass http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/03/12Thermo%20Sensor%20TS8_2.pdf |
10 | Type TS8-3 | CERAMIC THERMOMETRIC INSERT with thermocouple S/R/B | APPLICATIONS • Replacement inserts for mounting in the ceramic thermowells of type TS8-41 probes • Industrial ovens (heat treatment, incineration) • Chimneys (combustion gases) • Fusion baths for metal and glass http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/03/13Thermo%20Sensor%20TS8_3.pdf |
11 | TYPE CT8-21 | THERMOMETRIC COMPLEX with thermowell, at high response speed | APPLICATIONS • For all temperature measurements requiring short response time • Mounting on pipes, and open or closed vessels • For a wide range of media: vapours, gases, liquids, non-abrasive substances http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/03/14Thermo%20Sensor%20CT8_21.pdf |
12 | TYPE CT8-22 | THERMOMETRIC COMPLEX with stepped end, high response speed | APPLICATIONS • For all temperature measurements requiring very short response time (stepped end) • Mounting on pipes, and open or closed vessels • For a wide range of media: vapours, gases, liquids, non-abrasive substances http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/03/15Thermo%20Sensor%20CT8_22.pdf |
13 | TYPE TS8-40 | THERMOCOUPLE FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE | APPLICATIONS • Industrial ovens (heat treatment, incineration) • Chimneys (combustion gases) • Fusion baths for metal and glass http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/03/16Thermo%20Sensor%20TS8-40.pdf |
14 | TYPE TS8-41 | THERMOCOUPLE FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE with ceramic thermowell | APPLICATIONS • Industrial ovens (heat treatment, incineration) • Chimneys (combustion gases) • Fusion baths for metal and glass http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/03/17Thermo%20Sensor%20TS8_41.pdf |
15 | TYPE CT8-70 | THERMOMETRIC COMPLEX FOR SKIN MEASUREMENT | APPLICATIONS • Surface temperature measurement on steam pipes, inside or outside vessels and reactors • Temperature measurement on walls or flat surfaces http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/03/18Thermo%20Sensor%20CT8_70.pdf |
16 | TYPE CTB | THERMOMETRIC COMPLEX with barstock thermowell acc. to UNI/DIN and ISA | APPLICATIONS • For medium pressures, fluid speeds and temperatures • With tapered thermowells and lag extensions • Mounting on pipes, and open or closed vessels • For a wide range of media: vapours, gases, liquids, non-abrasive substances http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/03/19Thermo%20Sensor%20CTB.pdf |
17 | TYPE CTL | THERMOMETRIC COMPLEX WITHOUT THERMOWELL | APPLICATIONS • For mounting on pipes, vessels, etc. already fitted with thermowells • The bore diameter of the thermowell should be 0.5 to 1 mm greater than that of the inset diameter; bore depth and connections shall comply with ISA-dS 49 standard. http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/03/20Thermo%20Sensor%20CTL.pdf |
18 | TYPE CTT | THERMOMETRIC COMPLEX with thermowell from pipe, | APPLICATIONS • For medium pressures, fluid speeds and temperatures • Where screwed thermowells (flange mounting optional)are required • Mounting on pipes, and open or closed vessels • For a wide range of media: vapours, gases, liquids, non-abrasive substances http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/03/21Thermo%20Sensor%20CTT.pdf |
19 | TYPE CT8-81 | THERMOMETRIC COMPLEX FAST RESPONSE “RTD” | APPLICATIONS • Flexible, small size probes for machines, chemical plant, etc. • For low-pressure, low-speed fluids and measurements requiring short response time • For a wide range of media: vapours, gases, liquids and nonabrasive substances, provided that these are compatible with the sheath material • May also be fixed on solid surfaces or inserted into cavities • Special executions for explosive environments http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/03/22Thermo%20Sensor%20CT8-81.pdf |
20 | TYPE TS8-81 | FAST RESPONSE THERMOMETRIC COMPLEX “TC” WITH CONNECTOR | APPLICATIONS • Flexible, small size probes for machines, chemical plant, etc. • For low-pressure, low-speed fluids and measurements requiring short response time • For a wide range of media: vapours, gases, liquids and nonabrasive substances, provided that these are compatible with the sheath material • May also be fixed on solid surfaces or inserted into cavities • Special executions for explosive environments only for Intrinsecally afe circuits http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/03/Thermo%20Sensor%20CT8-82.pdf |
No. | Type | Model | Description | Note |
1 | DPMS8 series | Weatherproof Differential Pressure Switches | Be particularly suitable to be installed on every chemical, petrochemical plants, onshore and offshore applications and machinery, food and pharmaceutical industry http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/04/02serie%20dpms8.pdf |
2 | PBS8 series | Bourdon Tube Type Weatherproof Pressure Switches | Be particularly suitable to be installed on every chemical, petrochemical plants, onshore and offshore applications and machinery, food and pharmaceutical industry or however where is mandatory the use of all Stainless Steel instruments in presence of medium – high pressure http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/04/05serie%20pbs.8.pdf |
3 | PCS8 series | Capsule Type Weatherproof Pressure Switches | Engineered to be used in presence of very low pressures on every chemical, petrochemical plants, ventilation plant where is mandatory the use of all Stainless Steel instruments http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/04/06serie%20pcs8.pdf |
4 | PMS8.1 series | Diaphragm Type Weatherproof Pressure Switches | Be particularly suitable to be installed on every chemical, petrochemical plants, onshore and offshore applications and machinery, food and pharmaceutical industry or however where is mandatory the use of all Stainless Steel instruments http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/04/07serie%20pms8.1.pdf |
5 | PMS8.2 series | Weatherproof Low Range Pressure Switches | Installed in presence of low pressures on every chemical, petrochemical plants, onshore and offshore applications or however where is mandatory the use of all Stainless Steel instruments http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/04/08serie%20pms8.2.pdf |
6 | TMS8 series | Gas Exphansion Type Weatherproof Temperature Switches | Installed on every chemical, petrochemical plants, onshore and offshore applications and machinery, food and pharmaceutical industry or however where is mandatory the use of all Stainless Steel instruments http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/04/13serie%20tms8.pdf |
Electric Contacts for Pressure and Temperature gauges, Trasmitters and electronic instrumentation | ||||
No. | Type | Model | Description | Note |
1 | Electric Alarm Contacts | Types Of Contacts | Designed for the opening and closing of circuits in dependence on the instrument pointer position | |
Low Action Contacts | Nominal operating voltage: 250 V max. Starting and breaking current: 0,7 A max. Permanent current: 0,6A max Breaking capacity : 10 W 18 VA max. Switching precision: approx. 0,5% of final scale value. Contact material: Ag80 / Ni20 (other material upon request) |
Used in the absence of high contact loads and vibrations | ||
Inductive Contacts | Rated voltage: 8 V = (Ri ~ 1KOhm). Operating voltage: 5 ~ 25V Current consumption: ≥3mA (active face free) ≤1mA (active face covered). Switching precision: approx. 0,5% of final scale value. |
Equipped with non touching proximity switches intrinsic safety classified as Eex ib IIC T6 and homologated for zones 1 and 2. | ||
Snap-Action Contacts (With Screwed-In Magnets) | Nominal operating voltage: 250V max. Starting and breaking current: 1,0A max. Permanent current: 0,6A max. Breaking capacity: 30W, 50VA max. Contact material: Ag80/Ni20 (other material upon request). Switching precision: approx. 2-5% of final scale value |
Used under almost all operating conditions and are generally not affected by vibrations |
Electronic Contacts | For any industrial applications and should preferably be used with oil filled instruments | |||
2 | Indicating - Dial, Pressure And Temprature Switch | STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Stops: to 10% and 75% of full scale. Differential: fixed 1/20 of full scale ±10%. Settings: by means of permanent knob through the dial, on request a removable key type knob (specify CH). Protection class: IP44, option IP55 |
Designed for automatic control of hydraulic and industrial processes. http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/06/02Pressostati%20e%20Termostati%20con%20Indicazione%20Locale.pdf |
3 | MB800 series | Used on machine and plants where is required the local indication of the pressure and the remote transmission of a normalized signal to record or control the process. http://www.temavasconi.com/pdf/06/03serie%20mt800.pdf |
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