TT03 digital torque gauges are designed for clockwise and counter-clockwise torque testing applications in virtually every industry, with capacities from 10 ozFin to 100 lbFin (7 to 1,150 Ncm). A dedicated remote torque sensor with Jacobs chuck can be used to grip a sample, bit, or fixture. The gauges’ rugged aluminum housing allows for hand-held use or test stand mounting for more sophisticated testing requirements.
Series TT03 features a sampling rate of 2,000 Hz, producing accurate results under a wide range of test conditions. A backlit graphic LCD displays large characters, and a menu is available to access the gauges’ features and configurable parameters. USB output is provided for data collection purposes.
Set point indicators are provided for pass-fail testing. The gauges are overload protected to 150% of capacity, and an analog load bar is shown on the display for graphical representation of applied force.
The gauges include MESUR™ Lite data acquisition software, for tabulation of continuous or individual data points. One-click export to Excel allows for further data manipulation.
Máy đo lực xoắn mark 10 MTT03C-12, MTT03C-50, MTT03C-100, đại diện mark 10 tại việt nam

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