TMP là đại lý phân phối của Masibus tại Việt Nam
Masibus 5040 is much more than a controller capable for complex and demanding process control applications. It has accessibility of both hardware and software features in compact size making it a highly configurable product, offering many features found in costly programmable controllers.
5040 accepts all analog process inputs like Thermocouple, RTD, Current and Voltage as well as 4 digital inputs, remote set point and feedback resistance input. A comprehensive controlling can be implemented using four relays, four digital outputs and two analog output with any of required control algorithm like auto-tune PID, Onoff or Motorized valve control.
5040 offers field configurable Control outputs comprising of Relay o/p, SSR o/p & Analog o/p. It has total 4 Relay o/p providing a combination of alarm control output based on application requirement.
5040 offers 4 nos of open collector digital o/p used for various Alarm diagnostic o/p such as PV Input open, RS input open and VPFB Input open. Using RS485 interface desired parameters configuration and status can be communicated to SCADA/ PLC/ DCS applications. Important process values can be re-transmitted as any standard current or voltage signal.
It has Fail-safe Design protecting the process in case of system malfunctioning.
- Universal Input selection
- Universal output including valve positioner output
- Autotune PID with Ratio control
- Fast Loop response time of 250mSec
- 4 Relay and 4 Digital outputs for Control, Alarms and events
- 4 Digital Inputs for remote operations
- 18 Alarm types
- Auto/Manual selection with bumpless transfer
- Auto-tune PID, On-Off or Motorised Valve control
- Analog outputs for control/retransmission
- RS485 port with Modbus RTU protocol
- Heat treatment furnaces
- Reheat furnaces
- Ceramic Kilns
- Glass Industry
- Flow/ Pressure control
- Distillation and Reactor control in Chemical plants
- Water and waste water control
- Ratio Control
5040 Single Loop Controller Masibus - Masibus vietnam - TMP vietnam

- AT2E
- As Scholer
- Bircher
- Barksdale
- Beckhoff
- Bussmann
- Baumuller
- Burkert
- Bihl-wiedemann
- Elau
- Daiichi Electronics
- Fireye
- Flow meter
- Gemu
- Gastron
- keller
- Knick
- Kiepe
- Kyowa
- Koganei
- Lapar
- Mark-10
- Matsushima
- Matsui
- Masibus
- Maxonic
- Minimax
- Nireco
- Pora
- Pentair
- Puls
- PCI Instrument
- Red lion
- STI Vibration Monitoring
- Teclock
- TDK lambda
- Van der Graaf
- valpes
- Wise
- Wago
- Wittenstein
- Bộ cách ly tín hiệu
- Bộ chia - Distributors
- Bộ chuyển đổi tín hiệu nhiệt độ
- Bộ chuyển đổi tín hiệu cảm biến
- Bộ chuyển đối tín hiệu điện áp
- Bộ chuyển đổi tín hiệu xung
- Thiết bị báo động
- Mô đun tính toán hiệu chỉnh
- Mô đun mở rộng
- Bộ chuyển đổi xoay chiều và một chiều
- Bộ tạo tín hiệu
- Bộ chuyển đổi tín hiệu truyền thông
- Bộ Khuếch đại cách ly tín hiệu
- Một số hãng khác
- Tema
- Comet Systems
- Spohn Burkhardt
- Schenck Process
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